As previously noted, we’ve been experimenting a bit with Ruby on Rails. While I’m still just getting my feet wet, I have written enough views to know that writing ERB templates sucks. ERB itself isn’t the problem. Neither is any specific pattern or logic or anything else the issue.

Here I am happily typing away

me typing happily

when suddenly I have to type this mess <%= %>.

me looking for the right keys

That has got to be the most inconvienent character sequence in the history of ever. It breaks any sense of flow I had going on. It just really rustles my you know whats.


Fortunately, this is the internet and the internet has a solution for everything.

Enter ERB-Sublime-Snippets. It’s pretty much Emmet for ERB. Which is awesome, cause I love Emmet.

The one catch though is if you have both installed there is a slight conflict between the two. Rendering an HTML form and a form_for helper are both accomplished with Tab Trigger “form”.

I solved the conflict by adding this little bit to my Emmet.sublime-settings file.

  "disabled_single_snippets": "form"

That disables the HTML Tab Trigger from Emmet. I never used it so it wasn’t an inconvience for me. I’m sure there’s some way to remap the triggers or something if this solution doesn’t work for you.

Me writing ERB templates with ERB-Sublime-Snippets